Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: What is the shelf-life requirement for products in the American Marketing & Fulfillment kits?

A: Our standard shelf-life requirement for the ‘Better for You’ program is a minimum of 9 months.

Q: How many unique homes does American Marketing & Fulfillment reach a month, and in what locations?

A: American Marketing & Fulfillment delivers an average of 20,000 - 25,000 kits per month across a distribution network in ten states East of the Mississippi; Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia.

Q: What are the demographics of the average recipient of American Marketing & Fulfillment kits?

A: Average recipients have a median household income of $90,000, are 49% married, have an average of 1.9 children living at home, and are between ages 24 - 40 for both male and female.

Q: Who can purchase American Marketing & Fulfillment kits?

A: Any licensed realtor, mortgage broker or agency has access to the kits. We currently partner with state realtor associations and realtor partners at Century 21, ReMax, and Keller Williams Realty, to name a few.

Q: What types of brands are featured in the American Marketing & Fulfillment kits?

A: Brands featured in the ‘Better for You’ kits have strong in-store distribution and provide us with full-size products. To be featured, brands must be approved by our realtor network.